Kai Tak City Centre

Inspired by the principles of the formation of Chinese characters, the Consortium took a radical-radical compound 1「沐」as a logogram representing the over-arching design theme of the Public Creatives study.「氵」signifies water and「木」signifies tree or timber and the two components together「沐」signifies washing, being immersed in water or nourishing. The logogram of「沐」 aptly captures the essence of the design theme, a waterside tree nourishing those that make the area its home.

In Kai Tak City Centre, all street names could start with the character「沐」. The second character would be elements taken from existing street naming schemes from neighbouring districts.

道路 建議名稱
D2 路 承啟道 Shing Kai Road
D3 路 承豐道 Shing Fung Road
L3A 路 沐虹街 Muk Hung Street
L3B 路 沐翠街 Muk Chui Street
L4 路 沐安街 Muk On Street
L5 路 沐寧街 Muk Ning Street
L6 路 沐泰街 Muk Tai Street
L7 路 沐禮街 Muk Lai Street
L9 路 沐恩街 Muk Yan Street
L11 路 沐元街 Muk Yuen Street
L15 路 沐縉街 Muk Chun Street
L16 路 沐信街 Muk Shun Street

1 One of the six types by etymology of the creation of the Chinese language, namely 'pictograms'(象形), 'ideograms' (指事), 'ideogrammatic compounds' (會意), 'rebus/ phonetic loan' (假借), 'phono-semantic compounds' (形聲) and 'derivative cognates' (𨍭注).